This post mirrors OCaml for Haskellers from Edward Z. Yang (2010).
The latest version of this document can be found online at Alternate formats: Source, PDF.
Why write a new post when a clever reader could simply “read Edward’s post backwards”?
It’s about the different audience, really.
My experience is that programmers well-versed in Haskell, or who learn Haskell as first language, tend to have a strong background in mathematics and logical reasoning. For this audience, the abstract equivalences between Haskell and OCaml are trivial and do not bear repeating. For them, a post like Edward’s that mosty focuses on the “limitations” of OCaml compared to Haskell, and provides succinct high-level descriptions of OCaml’s unique features, is sufficient.
In contrast, an OCaml programmer is often someone who has learned OCaml by iterative widening of their programming toolbox from other languages, perhaps without particular sensitivity to the aesthetics of abstraction. I once belonged to such an audience; I have taught programming to it, too.
For practical OCaml programmers, I found that it often works better to approach Haskell from its operational perspective, rather than the formal/equational approach typically taken in Haskell tutorials. The merits of Haskell’s powerful abstraction compositions, in this context, are a matter best left to self-discovery, later in the learning process.
For example, Haskell tutorials often focus early on non-strict evaluation and strong typing. This is an unfortunate starting angle for a seasoned OCaml programmer who already knows Haskell’s type system very well (OCaml has mostly the same) and who is likely to care immediately about a clear time and space cost model for his/her code, an expectation broken at first sight by non-strict evaluation.
Why you should learn Haskell
There are two set of important features found in Haskell and not in OCaml: killer features and acquired tastes.
Killer features are those that can immediately enable better productivity, without incurring a feeling of loss from leaving OCaml’s world:
layout-based code structuring;
(* ML: begin/end needed to scope nested pattern matches *) match v1 with | 0 -> begin match v2 with | 1 -> "hello" | 2 -> "world" end | 3 -> "yay"
{- HS: indentation disambiguates nested pattern matches -} case v1 of 0 -> case v2 of 1 -> "hello" 2 -> "world 3 -> "yay"
declarations after use;
v = sum 20 where {- no equivalent in OCaml -} sum n = n * (n - 1) / 2
readable type interfaces directly next to declarations;
(* in mod.mli *) val f : int -> int -> int (* in *) let f = (+)
{- in Mod.hs -} f :: Int -> Int -> Int f = (+)
operator and function overloading;
(* no ad-hoc polymorphism, (+) vs. (+.) *) begin print_string (string_of_int (3 + 2)); print_string (string_of_float (3.0 +. 0.14)); end
{- show and (+) are overloaded -} do putStr (show (3 + 2)) putStr (show (3.0 + 0.14))
more flexibility on operator and function names;
let (^.) a b = a ^ "." ^ b let v = "hello" ^. "world" (* only punctuation can serve as infix operators *) (* "." is not a valid prefix *)
(^.) a b = a ++ "." ++ b v = "hello" ^. "world" dot a b = a ^. b v2 = "hello" `dot` "world" (.) f g x = f (g x)
configurable operator associativity and precedence.
let (/~) a b = a / b let (-~) a b = a - b (* all operators starting with the same character have the same associativity and precedence *) let v = 12 /~ 3 -~ 1 /~ 2 (* = (12 /~ 3) -~ (1 /~ 2) *) (* = 4 -~ 0 *) (* = 4 *)
(/~) a b = a / b (-~) a b = a - b infixr 7 -~ {- higher = tighter -} infixr 6 /~ {- r for right-assoc -} v = 12 /~ 3 -~ 1 /~ 2 {- = 12 /~ ((3 -~ 1) /~ 2) -} {- = 12 /~ (2 /~ 2) -} {- = 12 /~ 1 -} {- = 12 -}
“Acquired tastes” are Haskell features that a) can yield a significant productivity improvement in the long run b) can yield terrible performance and/or unreadable code when used naively and thus c) will require patience and practice until you start feeling comfortable using them:
- pure arrays;
- function definitions by equations over infinite data structures;
- type classes and custom Functor / Applicative / Monoid instances.
Some examples are given later below.
Straightforward equivalences
Naming of types:
int float char string bool userDefined (* OCaml *) Int Double Char String Bool UserDefined {- Haskell -}
= <> ^ @ @@ +. /. *. +. (* OCaml *) == /= ++ ++ $ + / * + {- Haskell -} land lor lxor [la]sl [la]sr lnot (* OCaml *) .&. .|. xor shiftL shiftR complement {- Haskell -}
let f x y = x + y
let g = fun x y -> x + y
let rec fact n =
if n = 1 then 1
else n * fact (n-1)
let rec fact' = function
| 1 -> 1
| n -> n * fact' (n-1)
f x y = x + y
g = \x y -> x + y
fact n = {- no "rec" needed -}
if n = 1 then 1
else n * fact (n-1)
{- equational: order matters -}
fact' 1 = 1
fact' n = n * fact' (n-1)
(* val f : unit -> int *)
let f () = 3
f :: () -> Int
f () = 3
Pattern match and guards:
match e with
| 0 -> 1
| n when n > 10 -> 2
| _ -> 3
case e of
0 -> 1
n | n > 10 -> 2
_ -> 3
let rec len = function
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> 1 + (len xs)
let v = len ([1; 2] @ [2; 1] @ 3::4::[])
(* v = 6 *)
len [] = 0
len (x:xs) = 1 + (len xs)
v = len ([1, 2] ++ [2, 1] ++ 3:4:[])
{- v = 6 -}
Parametric types:
(* type parameters use an apostrophe *)
(* tuple types defined with "*" *)
type 'a pair = P of ('a * 'a)
(* concrete parameter
before abstract type *)
type t = int pair
{- type parameters use small letters -}
{- tuple types defined by commas -}
data Pair a = P (a, a)
{- concrete parameter
after abstract type -}
type T = Pair Int
Algebraic data types:
(* predefined *)
type 'a option =
| None
| Some of 'a
(* custom *)
type 'a tree =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a tree * 'a tree
{- predefined -}
data Maybe a =
| Nothing
| Just a
{- custom -}
data Tree a =
| Leaf a
| Node (Tree a, Tree a)
Generalized algebraic data types:
(* available from OCaml 4.x *)
type _ term =
| Int : int -> int term
| Add : (int -> int -> int) term
| App : ('b -> 'a) term * 'b term
-> 'a term
let rec eval : type a. a term -> a =
| Int n -> n
| Add -> (fun x y -> x+y)
| App(f,x) -> (eval f) (eval x)
(* two : int *)
let two =
eval (App (App (Add, Int 1), Int 1))
{- compile with -XGADTs -}
data Term a where
Int :: Int -> Term Int
Add :: Term (Int -> Int -> Int)
App :: (Term (b -> a), Term b)
-> Term a
eval :: Term a -> a
eval (Int n) = n
eval (Add) = (\x y -> x + y)
eval (App(f,x)) = (eval f) (eval x)
two :: Int
two =
eval (App (App (Add, Int 1), Int 1))
Text I/O, string representation and interpretation (yay to overloading):
string_of_int string_of_float (* OCaml *) show show {- Haskell -} int_of_string float_of_string (* OCaml *) read read {- Haskell -} print_char print_string print_endline (* OCaml *) putChar putStr putStrLn {- Haskell -} input_line input_char (* OCaml *) getLine getChar {- Haskell -}
Functional goodies:
(* "@@" is low-priority application *)
print_endline @@ string_of_int 3
(* can be defined in OCaml *)
val flip : ('a -> 'b -> 'c)
-> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
let flip f = fun x y -> f y x
val (@.) : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b)
-> 'a -> 'c
let (@.) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
{- "$" is low-priority application -}
putStrLn $ show 3
{- built-in in Haskell -}
flip :: (a -> b -> c)
-> b -> a -> c
flip f = \x y -> f y x
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b)
-> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)
Recursive definitions
In OCaml, recursive definitions are expressed with the keyword
. In Haskell, all definitions are recursive, including those
of variables. This means that one cannot use the same identifier to
bind to successive definitions in the same scope:
let f n =
(* this defines a fresh "n" *)
let n = n - 1 in
f n =
{- must use different identifiers -}
let n' = n - 1 in
Otherwise, the Haskell compiler will generate a circular data definition
for n
, which is usually not the intended result!
Program structure
In OCaml, a program is defined by the concatenation of all the statements in the source code; the control entry point at run-time is the first statement in the top-level module. There is no function with a special role as entry point. Execution proceeds by evaluating all statements in order.
let f =
print_endline "start";
fun () -> "world"
let p1 () =
print_endline "hello"
let p2 () =
print_endline (f ())
p1 (); p2 ()
(* prints "start", "hello", "world" *)
In Haskell, a “program” must be defined by a constant (not function) with the special name “main”. The run-time system starts execution by first constructing the data representations of all top-level definitions; including the definition of the constant “main”, which stores a data structure akin to a “list of statements”, or “recipe”. At that point, there cannot be any effects performed yet. Then the run-time system continues execution by reducing the recipe referenced by main, step by step from the head, performing the effects described by the statements therein.
To build such a “list of statements” or “recipe”, Haskell provides a shorthand syntax using the do keyword and newline/semicolon separators:
{- no side-effects in top-level definitions -}
f () = "world"
p1 = do {- p1 is a constant recipe -}
putStrLn "hello"
p2 = do {- p2 is another constant recipe -}
putStrLn (f ())
{- entry program must be called "main" -}
{- it is also a constant recipe -}
main = do p1; p2
In OCaml, all statements in source files are executed when the corresponding modules are imported. In Haskell, source code files provide only definitions; there are no side-effects performed during module imports.
(* in *)
let _ =
print_endline "hello"
(* in *)
open T
let main =
print_endline "world"
(* prints "hello", then "world" *)
{- in T.hs -}
module T where
_ = do
putStrLn "hello"
{- in main.hs -}
import T
main = do
putStrLn "world"
{- prints only "world", not "hello" -}
This is because only the constant recipe constructed by the “main” definition will be evaluated for side-effects at run-time, after all top-level definitions are constructed.
In OCaml, a file named “
” defines a module
named “Blah”. The module name is derived from the file name.
In Haskell, a module specification in the file
specifies the module name:
module Blah where ...
By convention, programmers also name the file containing “module
Blah where ...
” with filename Blah.hs
. However, it is possible
to split a Haskell module definition in multiple source files with
different names, or define multiple Haskell modules in the same source
file [1].
[1] | This opportunity is specified in the Haskell Language
Report, the official specification of the Haskell
language. However, in practice, its most popular implementation GHC
only properly handles modules where the filename matches the
module specification therein. |
Module use:
open Char
(* "lowercase" imported by
"open" from Char *)
let lc = lowercase
(* no explicit import needed
to use qualified module names *)
let lsz = List.length
import Char
{- "toLower" imported by
"import" from Char -}
lc = toLower
{- need "import qualified" to use -}
import qualified Data.List
lsz = Data.List.length
It is possible to import a module in Haskell (OCaml’s “open”) without
importing all the names it defines. To include only specific
identifiers, place them between parentheses after the module name; to
exclude specific identifiers, use “hiding
import Char (toUpper,toLower)
import Char hiding (isAscii)
The set of predefined functions and operators in OCaml is provided by
the module Pervasives
. In Haskell, they are provided by module
. It is possible to disable predefined functions using
import Prelude hiding (...)
Contrary to OCaml, it is not possible in Haskell to import/open a module locally to a function. Also, there are no direct Haskell equivalents for OCaml’s parametric modules (functors). See Haskell limitations below for suggestions.
Program and effect composition
Composition of pure functions in Haskell is conceptually the same as
in OCaml. OCaml predefines “|>
” (reverse pipeline), Haskell predefines “.
” (composition).
let p x = f (g (h x))
let p x = f @@ g @@ h @@ x
(* "|>" predefined in OCaml *)
let p x = x |> h |> g |> f
(* "." not predefined in OCaml *)
let (@.) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
let p x = (f @. g @. h) x
p x = f (g (h x))
p x = f $ g $ h $ x
{- "|>" not predefined in Haskell -}
(|>) x f = f x
p x = x |> h |> g |> f
{- "." predefined in Haskell -}
p x = (f . g . h) x
To compose effectful statements with no result, both OCaml and Haskell use semicolons (for Haskell, inside a do-block). Additionally in Haskell, a newline character is also a valid statement separator in a do-block.
val f : int -> unit
val g : int -> unit
let _ =
(* sequence of unit calls *)
f 3 ; f 4 ;
g 2
f :: Int -> IO ()
g :: Int -> IO ()
main = do
{- sequence of unit statements -}
f 3 ; f 4 {- \n separates too -}
g 2
In OCaml, effectful functions that return a value of type t
declared with t
as return type.
In Haskell, there are no effectful functions; only functions that
return “lists of statements”, or recipes, as described earlier. This creates a
conceptual level of indirection: there are no “functions that perform
an effect and return a value of type t
”, but rather “functions
that return recipes, so that the subsequent evaluation of those recipes performs
effects and also produces a value of type t
A function that returns a recipe is typed with
return type “IO t
”, which means “a recipe of statements that computes
a value of type t
upon its later evaluation”.
To express the production of the computed value inside the do-block, you can use the handy function return:
(* inc : int -> int (with effects) *)
let inc n =
print_endline @@ string_of_int n;
n + 1
(* fact : int -> int (with effects) *)
let fact =
let rec factr r n =
print_endline @@ string_of_int n;
if n = 1 then r
else factr (n * r) (n - 1)
in factr 1
inc :: Int -> IO Int
inc n = do
putStrLn $ show n
return (n + 1)
fact :: Int -> IO Int
fact =
let factr r n = do
putStrLn $ show n
if n == 1 then return r
else factr (n * r) (n - 1)
in factr 1
In OCaml, you can bind a variable to the return value
of an effectful function with “let
”, as usual. In Haskell,
another syntax is defined for this purpose using “<-
” in a do-block:
(* fact : int -> int (with effects) *)
let _ =
let v = fact 3;
print_endline @@ string_of_int v
(* prints 6 *)
fact :: Int -> IO Int
main = do
v <- fact 3
putStrLn $ show v
{- prints 6 -}
Haskell’s insistence on separating pure functions from “lists of
effectful statements that produce values at run-time” creates a
plumbing problem that does not exist in OCaml. Say, for example, you
have two effectful functions like inc
and fact
above, that
both take a value as argument and print something before producing
their result. How to compose them together?
Direct composition works in OCaml (because both return int
, which
matches their input argument type), but not in Haskell. Instead in
Haskell we must either explicitly bind the return value of the first
effectful definition to a name with “<-
”, or use the operators
” and “>>=
” (piping of effects):
(* inc : int -> int (with effects) *)
(* fact : int -> int (with effects) *)
let _ =
let p = (fact (inc 2));
let q = (fact @@ inc 2);
let r = (inc 2 |> fact);
let s = (2 |> inc |> fact)
inc :: Int -> IO Int
fact :: Int -> IO Int
main = do
tmp <- inc 2; p <- fact tmp;
q <- (fact =<< inc 2)
r <- (inc 2 >>= fact)
s <- ((return 2) >>= inc >>= fact)
Print debugging
The functional engineer’s nightmare: “what actual argument values is this function really called with at run-time?”
In OCaml, one can readily interleave “print” statements with
the functional code to trace what happens at run-time. In Haskell,
there is an extra issue because “print” statements are only
available in the context of the special recipes with
type IO a
, for example constructed
by the do-block syntax, and these do not fit type-wise
in pure functions with regular non-IO
There are two ways to achieve this in Haskell. The “pure and magic” way, and the “impure but obviously effective” way.
The “pure and magic” way is a function called trace in the library
module Debug.Trace
. This function has type String -> a -> a
and will print its first argument during evaluation and return its
second argument as result. From the language’s perspective, this
function is pure:
import qualified Debug.Trace
fact n =
let n' = Debug.Trace.trace ("fact: " ++ (show n)) n in
n' * fact (n' - 1)
In some cases, one may want to do other effectful things beside
printing text. For example, we may want to print a timestamp or log
output to file. Besides the other functions from Debug.Trace
, you can roll your
own tracing utility using the special function unsafePerformIO
let f args ... =
print_string ...;
(... value computation ...)
let f args... =
unsafePerformIO $ do
putStr ...
return (... value computation ...)
takes as single argument a recipe as
constructed eg. by a do-block. When the enclosing expression is
evaluated at run-time, the recipe is first evaluated for effects and
then the final value, given to “return
” within the do-block, becomes
the functional value of the enclosing expression. unsafePerformIO
has type IO a -> a
This is the “impure but obviously effective” way:
(* no import needed *)
(* add : int -> int -> int *)
let add a b =
print_endline @@ "add: "
^ (string_of_int a)
^ ", "
^ (string_of_int b);
(a + b)
(* v1 : int *)
let v1 = add 1 1
let _ =
print_string "hello";
print_int v1;
print_int @@ add 2 3
(* prints add, hello, add *)
(* v1 is evaluated where defined *)
import System.IO.Unsafe
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add a b =
unsafePerformIO $ do
putStrLn $ "add: "
++ (show a)
++ ", "
++ (show b)
return (a + b)
v1 :: Int
v1 = add 1 1
main = do
putStr "hello"
putStr . show $ v1
putStr . show $ add 2 3
{- prints hello, add, add -}
{- v1's def is not an evaluation! -}
Despite its name, this construction is quite safe to use and it
properly witnesses the evaluation of the enclosing expression at
run-time. It is called “unsafe” because it breaks the usual convention
that non-IO
functions are pure. However, in the particular case of
print debugging the purity is practically preserved since the I/O
operations do not change the value of the function.
It is bad practice (and strongly frowned upon) to write a Haskell
function using unsafePerformIO
that is declared pure via a non-IO
type but whose run-time return value is dependent on run-time side
effects other than its arguments.
is a bit of a taboo. Haskell programmers do not
talk about it to “outsiders”, in the same way that
OCaml programmers do not talk about Obj.magic
. But the engineer’s
life would be miserable without it. Just be careful.)
Mutable variables
OCaml provides the ref
type for mutable references to values.
In Haskell, the type Data.IORef.IORef
does the same:
let _ =
let v = ref "hello";
let s = !v in print_endline s;
v := "world";
let s = !v in print_endline s
main = do
v <- newIORef "hello"
s <- readIORef v; putStrLn s
writeIORef v "world"
s <- readIORef v; putStrLn s
The Haskell library ArrayRef provides some syntactic sugar to simplify the use of mutable references.
Like in OCaml, the behavior of concurrent access to
mutable variables by different threads in Haskell is not properly
defined by the language. Just avoid data races on IORef
and use
Haskell’s MVar
type to communicate between threads instead.
OCaml’s arrays are mutable; although they are less often used, Haskell supports mutable arrays too. Since in-place array updates are effectful, in Haskell they must be used in the context of recipes, eg. inside do-blocks:
let _ =
let a = Array.make 10 42;
let v = a.(0);
a.(2) <- v + v;
print_int a.(2)
(* prints 84 *)
main = do
a <- newArray (0,9) 42
v <- readArray a 0
writeArray a 2 (v + v) <<= readArray a 2
{- prints 84 -}
The Haskell library ArrayRef provides some syntactic sugar to simplify the manipulation of arrays.
Next to mutable arrays, Haskell provides a lot of different pure array types in different libraries. Unfortunately, using pure arrays is quite cumbersome at first. Only later, when you start to grasp that compositions of functions that operate on arrays are “flattened” before execution (thanks to non-strict evaluation), does it begin to make sense. On the plus side, you then can start to write powerful reusable abstractions with arrays. On the down side, your code then becomes unreadable.
Decidely, pure Haskell arrays are an acquired taste, one difficult to share with non-experts.
Type classes in a nutshell
A common task in software engineering is to advertise a set of services using an abstract interface that hides the internal implementation. For this purpose, OCaml programmers can use objects or parametric modules.
Since Haskell provides neither objects nor parametric modules, Haskell programmers rely on another mechanism entirely, called “type classes”. Type classes are nothing like modules but they can help for encapsulation given the right mindset.
In a nutshell, Haskell type classes express a programming contract over a set of types (hence the name): that all types in the class, ie. its “instances”, are guaranteed to provide some other related functions. Moreover, a class can also provide a default implementation for some of its functions.
The usual example is the Eq
class, written as follows:
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) x y = not (x == y)
This definition expresses the following: “for all types a
in the
class Eq a
, there exist two operators (==)
and (/=)
accept two arguments of type a
and returns a boolean value. Moreover,
the class Eq
provides a default implementation of (/=)
that uses
the actual implementation of (==)
by each particular instance.”
Once a class is specified, a programmer can do two things with it: define type instances of the class, or define functions over instances of the class.
To define an instance of a class, you first define a type, then you define how the type belongs to the class. For example, one can first define a new type that implements Peano integers:
data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano
Then, express that Peano
is a member of Eq
instance Eq Peano where
(==) Zero Zero = True
(==) (Succ x) (Succ y) = (x == y)
(==) _ _ = False
Once this definition is visible, automatically any expression of the
form “x /= y
” becomes valid, thanks to the default implementation
of (/=)
already provided by Eq
Given a type class, one can also define functions over any possible
instance of that class. For example, given Eq
, one can write a function
which for any three values, returns True
if at least two are equal:
any2 :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
any2 x y z = (x == y) || (y == z) || (x == z)
Notice the prefix “(Eq a) =>
” in the type signature. This means
that “the function any2
is defined over any type a
as long as
is an instance of Eq
Type classes can inherit all the operations of another class, before
it defines its owns. For example, the class Ord
defines operator
(less than or equal), but for this it requires (==)
defined by Eq
. This is written as follows:
class (Eq a) => Ord a where
(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
{- some other Ord definitions omitted here -}
Type classes can be used directly to implement type-safe “container” data structures over arbitrary other types. For example, an abstract interface for an associative array over arbitrary keys can be defined with:
class (Ord k) => Map mt k v where
empty :: mt k v
insert :: k -> v -> mt k v -> mt k v
delete :: k -> mt k v -> mt k v
(!) :: mt k v -> k -> v
This definition creates a new type class called “Map
”, whose type
instances are all of the form “mt k v
” (this means that all
instances of Map
must be parametric with two type parameters). It
also requires that the 1st type parameter (k
, the key type) of its
instances be a member of class Ord
. For each instance mt k v
provides four services empty
, insert
, delete
Once this definition is visible, it becomes possible to implement one
or more concrete associative array data structures, and make them
instances of Map
via suitable instance
declarations. From the
perspective of third-party modules, the only visible services of these
concrete implementations are those provided by the class.
Rolling your own recipe system
The previous sections have emphasized how “lists of statements” or
“recipes” must be defined as constant data structures by the program,
and are later consumed by the run-time system during execution,
starting from main
, to produce effects.
Once you start to become comfortable with composing these recipes
using do-blocks, the <-
binding and the (>>=)
operators, a question often arises: is it possible to write one own’s
recipe type and interpreter?
The answer is yes! To do so, you will need to define:
- a parametric type
M a
that represents a “recipe of statements that eventually produce a value of typea
”; - a function
return :: a -> M a
that takes as argument a value, and constructs a recipe intended to produce that value later; - a function
(>>=) :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
that takes as arguments one recipe and a constructor for another recipe, and “connects” the two recipes together; - optionally, one or more effectful statements of type
M a
that can be used in recipes next toreturn
; - optionally, an interpreter for objects of type
M a
, that performs its effects in the way you see fit.
Once you have defined the first three properly (see below), the
do-block syntax presented earlier is automatically extended to your
new type, inferring the right types from your custom definition of
Here are some useful recipe systems already available in Haskell:
IO a
: “recipes” evaluated by the Haskell run-time system for global effects during execution. The peculiarity of this one is that its implementation is completely hidden from the language; you can’t redefineIO
directly in Haskell. The effectful statements of this recipe system includeputStr
, already presented above.Maybe a
: “recipes” that eventually provide a value of typea
, but where the evaluation stops automatically at the first intermediate statement that returnsNothing
. The effectful statements of this recipe system includefail
, which forcesNothing
to be generated during the effectful evaluation.Writer l a
: “recipes” that eventually provide a value of typea
, but where the evaluation keeps a log of messages generated by the statements. The effectful statements of this recipe system includetell
, which generates a message for the log during effectful evaluation.State s a
: “recipes” that eventually provides a value of typea
, but where each intermediate statement can modify an internal value of types
(a state). The effectful statements of this recipe system includeget
, which can access and modify the internal state during effectful evaluation.
About the M-word: There is a word used in the Haskell community which starts with the letter “M” and causes a great deal of confusion and misunderstandings. I wish to avoid using the M-word entirely in this document. I believe that using and understanding the M-word is unnecessary to learn how to write Haskell programs productively.
Nevetherless, you should understand that whenever you read something
about the M-word, it really refers to what I explained in this
section. When you read “the type T a
is a M…”, it
really means that “the type T a
describes recipes of statements that
produce values of type a
during evaluation” and also that “the type T a
an instance of the type class M...
, which provides the services return
and (>>=)
Likewise, when you read or hear “let’s define a M…”, this simply
refers to the act of writing a definition for a new custom recipe type and
two new functions return
and (>>=)
, and then using
to declare an instance of the M
class with them.
The reason why Haskell programmers eventually end up caring a great
deal about the M-word, in the same way they end up caring about the
, Functor
and Monoid
classes, is that there are
very good software components that can be defined using only the
services of these classes. This means these software components are
greatly reusable, because they apply automatically to all types later
declared to be instances of these classes.
Haskell limitations
Of course, there is also a price to pay. Haskell was not primarily designed to be a functional language by engineers for engineers. There are three features that OCaml gets “just right” and are unfortunately completely missing in Haskell:
- parametric modules and module composition;
- named and optional function parameters;
- polymorphic variant types.
Haskell practitioners eventually develop some other conventions (“best practices”) to achieve parametric modularity without parametric modules. This usually involves mixing and matching the following features:
- preprocessing using the C preprocessor (
ghc -cpp
), which can be used to mimic parametric (but not composable) modules in the same way as in C; - record types, placing the module’s type definition in ghost type parameters of a record type, and the module’s methods in its fields;
- type classes, eg. to replace OCaml’s
functor andOrderedType
parameter, instantiated asIntMap
, etc., byMap
type classes (as suggested above).
Named and optional function parameters, in practice, become less important once the Haskell practioner knows how to fully leverage higher-order functions and non-strict evaluation. A programming technique to implement optional function arguments using record types and default record fields was described by Neil Mitchell in 2008.
Polymorphic variant types ([> `A | `B]
) are, unfortunately, without direct equivalent in
Haskell. Haskell is a “closed world language” where type inference can
only succeed once all types from all compilation units are known. However, a language
extension from the GHC compiler called Type families can be abused to provide
somewhat similar functionality as OCaml’s polymorphic variants.
External links
Searching for more information
- The Haskell wiki.
- The Haskell Wikibook.
- Hoogle: an API search engine, able to search by function name or by type signature.
- The
IRC channel on FreeNode. - The GHC Manual.
Further reads
- Paul Hudak, John Peterson, Joseph Fasel, and Reuben Thomas. A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, Version 98. June 2000. Also known as the “official Haskell tutorial”.
- Miran Lipovaca. Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!. April 2011. Also known as “the funkiest way to learn Haskell”, but a very pleasant read.
- Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart, John Goerzen. Real World Haskell. November 2008. With lots of practical examples.
- Edward Z. Yang, Resource limits for Haskell. April 2013. Explains how to monitor and control space usage in Haskell functions, including during non-strict evaluation on parallel computers.
- Robert Harper, Persistence of Memory, April 2011. Promotes the use of persistent (immutable) data structures, and argues that the common debate about run-time efficiency of mutable vs. immutable data structures is often misdirected.
- Robert Harper, The Point of Lazyness, April 2011. Argues that non-strict evaluation is desirable even in eager languages, at least to manage processes and streams elegantly.
- Lennart Augustsson, More points for lazy evaluation, May 2011. Argues that non-strict evaluation promotes reuse of software components.
- Edward Z. Yang, So you want to add a new concurrency primitive to GHC…, January 2014. Explains how GHC’s Haskell still has conceptual issues internally with the notion of mutable memory.
- Andreas Voellmy, Junchang Wang, Paul Hudak and Kazuhiko
Yamamoto. Mio: A high-performance multicore IO manager for
GHC. September 2013. Explains how GHC implements
internally, and how it was recently extended to better support parallel execution. - Ben Rudiak-Gould, Alan Mycroft and Simon Peyton Jones. Haskell is Not Not ML. 2006. Suggests that there is an underlying common language behind Haskell and SML, that can run programs written in either. Also discussed by Ehud Lamm here.
- Edward Z. Yang, OCaml for Haskellers, October 2010.
- Xavier Leroy et al., The OCaml system release 4.01, September 2013.
So what do you think? Did I miss something? Is any part unclear? Leave your comments below.